The University of Miami School of Law
Children and Youth Law Clinic
VOICE PROJECTDuring Spring 2002, Xavier Cortada worked with adolescents in a South Florida residential psychiatric treatment facility to create "Trapped" (60" x 48", mixed media on canvas, 2002), a collaborative mural that captured their voices and concerns. Please scroll down to see some of the images of the work in progress.
The "Trapped" mural was presented on June 21, 2002 at the Florida Bar Public Interest Law Section Luncheon during the Florida Bar Annual Meeting in the Boca Raton Resort and Club.The Voice Project commissioned Cortada to create a second mural in 2003. This time with youth in the Jackson Memorial Hospital SIPP program. This mural is to be presented (along with the 2002 Trapped mural) during March 1 - July 15, 2004 in "May It Please the Court," a solo exhibit of artist Xavier Cortada in the Supreme Court of Florida.
To learn more about the project, please contact:
Carolyn Salisbury, Esq., Associate Director
Children & Youth Law Clinic
University of Miami School of Law
1311 Miller Drive
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Phone: 305-284-4321
please click here to see Trapped mural
Xavier Cortada has exhibited his works in museums, galleries, and cultural venues around the world and has pioneered the use of the Internet in collaborative art-making. The Miami-based Cuban-American artist, attorney, and activist has worked collaboratively with diverse groups across the United States, Latin America, Europe and Africa to create pro-social community murals and participant-driven art projects. Cortada has created murals for: The White House
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