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all media (up to 1999)   

Xavier Cortada has been profiled/interviewed in international, national and local newspapers, magazines, radio and television media across four continents. The following articles were published between 1993 and the present.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | All

proclamations  |  press releases



Miami Art Festival:  An exhibition of Afro-Cuban Art will be presented including works by prominent Cuban artists, Published Sunday, September 19, 1999, in the Miami Herald.
Festival de Cultura Afrocubana, by Armando Alvarez Bravo, Critico de Arte,  El Nuevo Herald, Artes y Letras, Artes, Miami, Florida,September 12, 1999.
El arte, un medio creativo para prevenir, por Eva Aguilar, La Prensa, Panama, Viernes 10 de septiembre de 1999.
Cruz Blanca inaugura Exposición de Xavier Cortada, Redacción, El Panamá América, Panama, Viernes 10 de septiembre de 1999.
"Por un Panamá Libre de Drogas" niños y jóvenes dan rienda suelta a su talento artístico, por  Rosalina Orocú Mojica,
El Panamá América, Panama,  Jueves 9 de septiembre de 1999.

Works of Art, by Damali Charles, The Miami Herald, Wednesday, September 8, 1999.
Programa para los jovenes, by Armando Alvarez Bravo, Critico de Arte,  El Nuevo Herald, Artes y Letras, Artes, Miami, Florida, August 1, 1999
Home is where the art is--Kids from public housing draw on experiences, By Gigi Barnett, The Miami Herald, August 1, 1999
Galardonan a Miami-Dade Art in Public Places, by Armando Alvarez Bravo, Critico de Arte,  El Nuevo Herald, Artes y Letras, Artes, Miami, Florida, July 11, 1999
Art Helps Children Face Cancer Treatments, by Lourdes Molina, The Miami Herald (Neighbors Cover), July 11, 1999.
Artist Xavier Cortada receives Key to City, by Marichelli Heredia, South Miami News, May 27, 1999.
Local artist, students create `master peace,' by Lourdes Molina, The Miami Herald, May 23, 1999.
Millennium celebration murals are Coral Park students' legacy, by Elysa Batista, The Miami Herald, May 13, 1999
Peace Sign, The Miami Herald, May 9, 1999.

Artist's Interactive WebSite mines chat rooms for the muses, by Liz Balmaseda,The Miami Herald, April 10, 1999.

Resaltan importancia del cinturon de seguridad, by Fernando Almanzar, El Nuevo Herald, February 24, 1999
Miles se unen en Miami a la caminata contra el sida, El Nuevo Herald, February 22, 1999
AIDS Walk set for Sunday, The Miami Herald, February 20, 1999.

Music, Art, Food, Events This Weekend in the Pines, The Miami Herald, February 11, 1999.

NikeTown dedicates murals to residents of Miami-Dade, by Anneli Shearer, Coral Gables News, January 21, 1999.

Valores del arte del exilio, Buenas/Nuevas, February 3, 1999.

Arte y deportes unidos en South Miami, el Nuevo Herald, January 15, 1999.

Much more than a store Niketown sells image, by Elaine Walker, The Miami Herald, January 8, 1999.

Have an Art Attack at South Miami Show -- Kids will be special focus of Festival, by Charles Rabin, The Miami Herald (Neighbors Cover), January 8, 1999.
Inaugura NikeTown en The Shops at Sunset, el Nuevo Herald, January 5, 1999.
La fiesta mas grande de la Nochevieja, by Emilio Guerra, el Nuevo Herald, January 1, 1999.



The Best Parties in Town (FIRST NIGHT), The Miami Herald, December 31, 1998.

Ano Nuevo para todos los gustos, El Nuevo Herald, December 24, 1998

South Miami art expo to get kids involved, The Miami Herald, December 24, 1998.

Xavier Cortada gana premio, De Ronda, by Armando Alvarez Bravo, El Nuevo Herald, Arte y Moda, Miami, Florida, December 13, 1998

Drinking it in: Alcohol can trash your life, by Claudia Feldman, Houston Chronicle, December 3, 1998.

Very Special Mural Kicks Off Olympics, The Miami Herald, Local Section, Miami, Florida, October 23, 1998

CityLink Art Issue, by Jake Cline, October 7, 1998.

University of Miami alumnus Xavier Cortada, Miami Magazine, Fall 1998

A Colorful Palette, an Open Canvas, 40 Voices on Florida’s Future (Special 40th Anniversary Issue), Florida Trend, Tampa, Florida (state-wide circulation), September 1998.

Universidades de Miami preservan la cultura Cubana, El Nuevo Herald, September 8, 1998
Develan en el Centro Mater mural de Xavier Cortada, by Guillermo Cabrera Leiva, Noticias, September 5, 1998

AIDS mural echoes patients’ pleas, hope: Miami artist’s mural an international appeal for help, by Lydia Martin, The Miami Herald, Living and Arts, Miami, Florida, July 4, 1998

Mural de Carol City lleva mensaje de valentia a conferencia sobre sida, by Lyda Martin, The Miami Herald, July 2, 1998.

Teaching a Young Artist (at Miami Jackson’s Cancer Clinic), The Miami Herald, Local Section, Miami, Florida, June 20, 1998

Artist crafting mural with worldly message, by Gail Meadows, The Miami Herald Arts (People in the Arts), Miami, Florida, June 21, 1998

Mensaje a la juventud en obra de estudiantes de escuela secundaria, Noticias, June 14, 1998.

A Cuban Cubist, Smoke Magazine, Smoke Front, New York, New York (national circulation), Summer 1998.

Fair's message is clear, by Diego Bunuel, The Miami Herald, May 31, 1998.

Painting the Walls of City Beautiful, (cover story) by Elaine de Valle, The Miami Herald Neighbors, Miami, Florida, May 28, 1998

Art, Miami Metro Magazine, Miami, Florida, May 1998

Students find creative way to make their mark, by Mireidy Fernandez, The Miami Herald Neighbors, Miami, Florida, May 17, 1998

Silver Knight honorees have gone on to greatness, by Allison Klein, The Miami Herald, May 3, 1998.

Cubaba, Generation ñ, Miami, Florida, May 1998

De Ronda, by Armando Alvarez Bravo, El Nuevo Herald, Arte y Moda , Miami, Florida, April 19, 1998

Cubaba: Miami artist explores images, identities and memory in striking new show, Wire (cover story), Miami Beach, Florida, April 16, 1998

Images cross lines of culture, by John Vitale, The Miami Herald Neighbors, Miami, Florida, April 12, 1998

Artist’s life permeates his paintings, by Liz Balmaseda, The Miami Herald, Local Section, Miami, Florida, April 11, 1998

Xavier Cortada has Solo Exhibit, Coconut Grover, Miami, Florida, April 1998.

Confusion, then clarity for artist, by Deborah Ramirez, Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5, 1998

Por las Galerias, by Paquita Madariaga, Vanidades, April 1998.

El Centro Mater cumple 30 anos, by Ena Curnow, Noticias, March 13, 1998.

A New Breed of Artist, by Tananarive Due, The Miami Herald, Living and Arts, Miami, Florida, February 7, 1998.

Strong Imagery (Faithful want priest to be saint), by April Witt, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, January 19, 1998

Reencuentro con lo Cubano, El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida, January 19, 1998


Painting a Brighter Future, Hispanic Magazine, Austin, Texas (National circulation), December 1997

Community Art, The Star Press, Muncie, Indiana, October 22, 1997

The Healing Powers of Paint by Antonio Aruquipa, Bolivian Times, La Paz, Bolivia, October 16, 1997

La problematica social en la obra de Xavier Cortada, El Diario, La Paz, Bolivia, October 11, 1997

Javier Cortada quiere compartir con Bolivia, El Diario, La Paz, Bolivia, October 10, 1997

Murales de Xavier Cortada, en muestra, Bolivia, October 10, 1997

Xavier Cortada comparte su obra, La Razon, La Paz, Bolivia, October 9, 1997

Pintor que trabaja con drogadictos en Miami inaugura muestra en La Paz, Contratapa, October 9, 1997

Sociales, El Deber, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, October 6, 1997

Terapia por el arte en el Museo de Historia, El Deber, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, October 1997

Murales Comunitarios, El Mundo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, October 4, 1997

El reemplazo del arte por las drogas, El Dia, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, October 4, 1997

El arte debe ser un martillo para cambiar nuestra sociedad, El Mundo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, October 4, 1997

Sera realizado por artista de Estados Unidos en U.A.G.R.M, Area Cultural, October 1, 1997

International artist exhibits in Miami, Entertainment News & Views, Spetember 19, 1997

A mural tests the will of at-risk youth and local artist, by Frank Alvaredo, Entertainment News & Views, August 29, 1997

A Creative Touch (at Miami Lighthouse for the Blind), The Miami Herald, Local Section, Miami, Florida, August 13, 1997

Hoy conferencias sobre arte social y pedagogico, El Comercio, Cusco, Peru, July 14, 1997

Pintura de Xavier Cortada un Exito, El Comercio, Cusco, Peru, July 12, 1997.

Farmworker kids’ art has powerful message, by Pascale Etheart, The Miami Herald Neighbors, Miami, Florida, May 11, 1997

Xavier Cortada: Artist or Lawyer, (cover story) by Karina Pavone, Movement, Miami, Florida, March 1997



Sometimes, art speaks louder than words, South Dade LISC Perspective, Winter 1996.

Xavier Cortada, by Juan Carlos Espinosa, Batik: Panorama general de las artes, suplemento de Arte de Osmus, Miami, Florida (international circulation), Fall 1996.

Exhibits, Hispanic Magazine, Austin, Texas (National circulation), November 1996

His View, Vista Magazine, Que Pasa?, Coral Gables, Florida (National Circulation), September 1996.

Art for Life’s Sake (cover story), The Courier, Miami, Florida, August 9, 1996

Un mundo mas amplio, El Nuevo Herald, July 15, 1996

To feel beauty without seeing it, by Cristina Pravia, The Miami Herald Neighbors, Miami, Florida, July 4, 1996

Artistic Medium promotes message of equality, by Paula Park, Miami Daily Business Review, Miami, Florida, April 5, 1996

Group lobbies to save legal services, by Chris Boyd, Miami Daily Business Review, Miami, Florida, 1996

Miami Public Interest Lawyer Uses Art to Fight Social Justice, by Jon Meltz, CUNY News, New York, New York, March 12, 1996



Xavier Cortada renueva la fe en la humanidad, by Magaly Rubiera, Exito, Primer Plano, Miami, Florida, April 12, 1995

Leadville Mural, The Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, February 1, 1995

Mural project to involve entire community, by Patricia Dedio, Herald Democrat, Colorado, January 19, 1995



Xavier Cortada, homme de loi et peintre, by Husna Ramjanally, Coloris Crûs, Week-end Scope, Port Louis, Mauritius, November 25, 1994

Chanzo ni vishawishi, by Na Said Ameir, Uhuru, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, November 15, 1994

Community Awareness needed, Le Mauricien, Tribune, Port Louis, Mauritius, November 5, 1994

Cortada: Portrait of an Artist, Standard Times, Freetown, Sierra Leone, October 17, 1994

Arts can heal, says crusading Cuban, by Christina Stucky, The Star, Trends, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 14, 1994

Xavier Cortada, (back cover story) by Carlos Aganzo, Ya, Madrid, Spain, September 23, 1994

Xavier Cortada: Si hubiesen más como él, by Magaly Rubiera, Exito, Primer Plano, Miami, Florida, March 16, 1994


1993 and prior

Wynwood teenagers fight labels, by Olympia Duhart, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, April 4, 1993
Wynwood group is in search of a new identity, by Liz Balmaseda, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, August 19, 1992
Convoca a comunidad crucena a unir fuerzas para combatir las drogas -- Norteamericano habla de su experencia, El Deber, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, August 11, 1992
Esfuerzo comunitario conduce al exito en lucha conta drogas, por  Francisco "El" DeBarge, El Deber, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, July 1992
Wynwood then and now, by Olympia Duhart, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, March 12, 1992
Wynwood program leader earns respect, by Olympia Duhart, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, February 9, 1992
Get involved, speaker tells violence-torn communities, by Abby Collins-Sears, Yakima Herald-Republic, Yakima, Washington, February 5, 1992
Youth seeks change of Wynwwod's image, by Olympia Duhart, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, February 5, 1992



City of South Miami proclaims Xavier Cortada Day, January 6, 1999
City of Miami proclaims Xavier Cortada Day, April 4, 1998
City of Miami Beach proclaims Xavier Cortada Day, April 4, 1998
Miami-Dade County proclaims Xavier Cortada Day, April 4, 1998


Press Releases

Masterpeace program addresses issues in schools
Masterpeace program announces dedication ceremonies
Reach for the Future mosaic mural to be unveiled at dedication ceremony
Students creating public art at Palm Springs Middle School
AIDS Walk shines spotlight on local artists
Blind children get help painting fence
Participate in Xavier Cortada's first mural painting for 1999


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