2002 community murals & projects
Indiana's "Don't be a target..." mural (below) and Omaha's "Familia Unida" (above).
During June 8-11, 2002, Xavier Cortada travelled to Salt Lake City, Utah to create the official mural of the Points of Light Foundation Annual Conference. Conference participants joined First Lady Laura Bush in adding messages to the piece, titled "Sharing the American Spirit."
University of Miami Children and Youth Law Clinic: Voices Project
Worked with adolescents in a South Florida residential psychiatric treatment facility to create "Trapped," a collaborative mural that captured their voices and concerns. The mural was presented on June 21, 2002 at the Florida Bar Public Interest Law Section Luncheon during the Florida Bar Annual Meeting in the Boca Raton, FL.
On October 15th, 2002, Xavier Cortada created the official mural for The White House Conference on Minority Homeownership, Washington, D.C.
Cortada greets President Bush
ArtCARE: Outreach to Juveniles in Adult Jails-- a special project of the Law Offices of Public Defender Bennett Brummer for the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida and Miami-Dade Art in Public Places.
The BODEGA de la Familia
HIV/AIDS Mural Project
New York, New York
In September 2002, as part of the Minority HIV Prevention Initiative, La Bodega brought Xavier Cortada, a world-renowned muralist, to the storefront to create an HIV/AIDS mural with neighborhood residents. The result is a powerful testimony to the power of family and community to be parts of the solution to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Muralist Xavier Cortada begins the
HIV/AIDS mural (2002). See scrapbook
September 2002 - The HIV/AIDS Mural Project, created by Xavier Cortada
Creation of the "We are Family" mural during the American Cancer Association Florida Chapter's ROCK (Reaching out to Cancer Kids) Weekend, December 13-15, 2002 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, FL.
For a more current listing of this year's projects and activities, please visit calendar.