Xavier Cortada and members of the Health Crisis Network Client Advisory Committee and
Board of Directors work to create the template for the Voices mural in the agency's
parking lot, December 1996.
voices mural health crisis network
miami, fl |
Quilt-like design has voiced HCN
familys individual and collective concerns
Fall 1996
Voices is a mural project sponsored by Miami's Health
Crisis Network Client Advisory Board (HCN-CAB) in collaboration with artist Xavier
Cortada. Cortada, an HCN Board of Directors member, will serve as artistic director of the
participant-driven mural. The mural, to be created in the Fall of 1996, will include
artistic input from members of the HCN family: clients, staff, Board of Directors and
other volunteers. Client Advisory Board (HCN-CAB) members will use the Voices mural not
just as a means of articulating their message about AIDS, but as a vehicle to better
interact with and understand their fellow clients, and other members of the HCN family.
The conceptualization of the mural is currently underway
(Fall 1996). HCN-CAB is determining the theme and composition. Thus far, there is
consensus to create the mural on five 8' x 4' sheets of plywood--side by side a 8' x 20'
mural will be created. The mural will be created in the HCN training room with materials
donated by Cortada and contributions from HCN donors and volunteers.
Large sections of the mural will be set aside and divided
into spaces a foot by a foot long. Members of the HCN family will be asked to individually
fill these spaces with their own voice: drawings, paintings, collages of pictures and
words, weavings, miniature quilts, neon, even three-dimensional objects affixed to the
wall. HCN-CAB will determine guidelines for the creation of the 1' x 1' individual pieces
and the process through which these individual pieces will be collected and incorporated
into the mural.
Other areas will be left open for interested members of
the HCN family to join the artist and members of the HCN-CAB in painting. The renderings
in the larger areas will be images that try to capture and convey the collective voice of
the HCN family. This theme will be develop in subsequent meetings.