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Conference Creativity
Cortada delivers keynotes, art

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Unveiling of Conference Painting

Traditionally, at the end of his plenary keynote address, conference organizers unveil a painting Cortada created for the conference.  The painting captures the theme or issues to be addressed in the conference.  The image can be used to promote the conference post cards, brochures, agenda books.


Above:  Salud, a painting commissioned for a Latino health conference in Chicago.

Poster signing

Many times, conference organizers opt to use the painting as a poster to be distributed to all conference participants.  The posters usually include the Title of the Conference as well as logos of sponsoring orgnizations.

In such cases, the posters are distributed immediately following Cortada's speech.  Cortada then personally signs the posters given to each of the conference attendees.

Depending on the contractual arrangement, the painting then returns to the organization's headquarters, donated to a local museum, or is retained by the artist.


Cortada signs posters for conference participants in Chicago.




Alternatively, you can have Xavier Cortada
create an on-site collaborative
Message Mural 
Attendees' messages integrated to canvas
 panels during your conference

Click here to learn more about Conference Message Murals




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Xavier Cortada created "Stepping into the American Dream" mural for The White House Conference on Minority Homeownership on Oct 15, 2002 in Washington, D.C.

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Great Seal

Cortada received the U.S. Deptartment of State / USA Today Millennium International Volunteer Award, Washington, D.C.

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Cortada was invited to meet with His Holiness John Paul II, and speak from the Bernini papal altar at St. Peter's Basilica during the Jubilee Day for Artists, The Vatican, Vatican City.




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Xavier Cortada has exhibited his works in museums, galleries, and cultural venues around the world and has pioneered the use of the Internet in collaborative art-making. The Miami-based Cuban-American artist, attorney, and activist has worked collaboratively with diverse groups across the United States, Latin America, Europe and Africa to create pro-social community murals and participant-driven art projects. 

Cortada has created murals for:

The White House
The World Bank
The Florida Capitol
Global Health Council
World AIDS Conferences
Miami-Dade County Juvenile Courthouse
Miami-Dade Art in Public Places
Miami Art Museum

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Copyright © 1997-2003 by Xavier Cortada. All rights reserved.
