The following messages
were collected at tour stops on the Road to Hope Tour or online. Each
participant was asked, "If you had one thing to say to educate others
about HIV/AIDS what would it be?" The messages collected will be
used to create the Student Voices on AIDS National Mural. If you can't
attend a tour stop submit your online message for the mural! .
Diana, 22
HIV is negatively affecting our world, our generation, our children, our
future. We need to take a stand now! We cannot allow the next
generations to go through what we are going through today. Don't let
anyone be a bystander!
Nga, 19
Don't let it have you!
Leigh, 18
Love is the only way to overcome this epidemic.
Carolyn, 19
HIV/AIDS sees no age, gender, race, nationality or sexual orientation.
The disease does not discriminate.
Tawnya, 19
HIV/AIDS is more than a social or scientific problem. The epidemic on
our hands is affected by political climate and economics as well. This
battle cannot be fought on just one front with one strategy (abstinence
for example), but must be a part of the fight to end political
oppression, unfair economics, and social stigma, to be replaced with a
human compassion for all.
Ben, 18
The life changing experiences that these people had encountered had in
turn changed my life. I want to go into the world and make a difference.
These people are extraordinary and I think of them as hero’s.
Derek, 20
It takes two seconds to ask your partner – it takes a lifetime to deal
with not asking. You do the math. Be smart. You’re worth it. Any if
he/she doesn’t want you to – they’re not.
Nancy, 19
Be Safe!
Janelle, 19
HIV is not AIDS and people tend to believe that they are the same. So,
be safe, and use protection.
Jessica, 19
Be not afraid.
Veronica, 20
AIDS has no borders. To make distinctions barriers to treatment on
education is to value some people’s lives over other. Equal access to
education and treatment.
Elizabeth, 22
HIV affects everyone – everyone is vulnerable and no one is immune. HIV
is not just on the other side of the world. It is in your classroom,
your hometown, where you work, and where you play. But together we can
stop it.
Michael, 22
HIV/AIDS is the crisis of our generation. History will define us by our
response to it.
Jessica, 18
HIV has no specific face. Be educated. Accept. Be compassionate. Have
hope. Learn to live in a world with HIV.
Matt, 20
You think you know, but you have no idea, get tested it could be the
smartest thing you will ever do. Do it for yourself, do it for good
friends and family, just do it.
Sarah, 20
You should not feel embarrassed to take the test and know that you are
safe. No one should hesitate with their self-defense.
Elisabeth, 18
It doesn’t matter your status in society. No amount of money can reverse
the process, the kind of people you hang out with can’t stop it.
Emily, 20
No on e is safe from exposure. The power is in knowing.
Teri, 19
Don’t ignore this idea and these people. It is our modern day plague
that will only worsen without attention and action. Have compassion.
Kaitlin, 18
As a generation, our road to hope is open, we have a voice and it’s time
to make it heard. Knowledge is the key to the future – there is life
after HIV.
Mark, 20
Get tested for AIDS, everyone should do it! Bring a friend and help out
in the fight against AIDS.
Dena, 20
Dykes are not immune!
Brandy, 20
The personal will always be political – HIV and AIDS affects us all.
Every face should be seen and every voice should be heard because AIDS
is everyone and could be you.
Beth, 21
I think in our generation there is a fear of AIDS fatigue – it’s just
becoming a red ribbon issue. This tour is making it alive again – we
need to make young people understand that the highest infection rates
are in woman ages 15 – 24. This disease is alive.
Matt, 21
This is our generations struggle for civil rights.
Megan, 20
In the disease that condemns death, we hope to find life, we hope to
promote living.
Julia, 19
Until there is a cure, until the stigma is erased, until ever person is
educated, I will fight.
Kevin, 18
Get tested an d save a life.
Steve, 18
Be Strong. You are an inspiration to us all.
Chris, 21
Love your life. Protect your body. Know yourself.
Rebecca, 20
Education is prevention, break the silence, the power is yours, take
Joshua, 18
We can stop AIDS!
Alexis, 19
It’s not the end . .
Gail, 19
HIV is real. It can’t be ignored and the stories must be told. Please,
just listen to them. They could save your life.
Kaytee, 20
People with AIDS have never won anything without fighting for it. In
order to bring this crisis to an end, we must organize ourselves and
advocate for real solutions from our government. Without this, we will
forever be fighting for the status quo.
Sophia, 23
AIDS impacts real people with real stories it is immoral to allow people
to die when drugs are available. Thank you for sharing your personal
stories it has had a profound impact on me and I hope to share what I
have learned with others. Your voices will carry on with me.
Wangechi, 23
HIV and AIDS is not an African thing. Educate yourself. Live.
Mpeperi, 18
If you love yourself you will educate yourself.
Jennifer, 18
Society’s major misconception is that AIDS and HIV only affect certain
groups of people so they don’t really take care of themselves. AIDS and
HIV isn’t prejudice and doesn’t discriminate regardless of color, age,
sex, or social class.
Josanne, 19
HIV can not be transmitted by just touching or talking to a HIV positive
individual. HIV positive individuals should be treated with the respect
as those who are HIV negative. Infected individuals do need the same
love, care and compassion as HIV negative individuals.
Erika, 19
The Christian community must take a stand and show compassion. This can
not be ignored. All people deserve love.
Irina, 22
Talk about HIV/AIDS to everyone you can. Not talking will not make the
disease go away. Talk and educate other people.
Kathleen, 20
Get involved. My experience as president, Lehigh’s AIDS awareness
organization, has been extremely rewarding.
Nicole, 24
Ignorance is not a cure. Embrace knowledge it’s the 1st step.
Molly, 19
HIV is not a death sentence.
Spenser, 19
Be sure of your status because it never hurts to play it safe..
Kaitlin, 19
AIDS isn't just Africans, it's not just gay men, it affects every one.
AIDS isn't them, it's us.
Nisha, 21
HIV/AIDS can be prevented. Protect yourself and support others.
Together, we can end the AIDS pandemic.
Eden, 18
There is hope, we will make the world care. Stay strong, we love you!
Suni, 20
HIV/AIDS is only growing among the marganilized around the world.
Without properly addressing the stigma around this disease the number of
those dying and infected will only increase.
Jamie, 29
Very informative and real world facts and exposure. Be safe and learn
all you can of what HIV and AIDS is.
Anna, 21
Never underestimate your power! Get educated, get tested, know your
status and take action!!!
Anna, 19
I will not be silent! I will not be quiet anymore!
Andrea, 21
No one chooses HIV. No one asked to be at risk. No one made decisions
that “caused” HIV. That is not fair. Each person that is HIV positive is
a real person that has been a victim of the virus. But they can be
survivors. Let us remember that as well.
Lauren, 21
For something that is so preventable, it is so easy to use and demand a
condom every single time.
Grace, 19
It can happen to anyone.
Jacquie, 22
We can stop this.
Dana, 21
HIV & AIDS is more than sickness, it’s more than numbers, this is
people. Act up Fight AIDS!
Kerry, 19
It can happen to anybody. They are still people.
Megan, 21
Awareness, hope, understanding, compassion…and the realization that HIV
does look like me. Thank you!
Chelsea, 20
Educate yourself, your friends, your peers. Be vocal. Take a stance. Do
your part.
Hilary, 21
Talk Talk Talk about it, educate yourself and be hopeful. There is hope.
We can make a difference.
James, 21
We all choose to fight our own battles, but HIV and AIDS is a war in
which we, the people of the earth are all apart of. Pick a battle in
this pandemic and everyone will benefit.
Kate, 21
Ask for education. Seek education.
Keeley, 18
Love yourself and your loved one enough to get tested and do everything
you can to get involved in the cause for HIV and AIDS to save people’s
lives – you can make a difference.
Rose, 20
It is your responsibility to know your status!
Lantz, 21
I am a 21 y.o. and have been positive two years now. I have gone down a
rough road to be able to move on with my life with HIV. My hope is to
stop just one person from going down that same road. If I can do that
then I am validated. If I could get one person to go out and get tested
then I am validated. If I can do that, then I will live on long after I
am gone. If I can do that, then I will want to live… Get tested, save
your own life. Lantz 2005
Alexis, 20
HIV and AIDS are very real issues for our generation. We must remain
steadfast in all efforts until a cure is found!
Diane, 22
Don’t be afraid to ask your partner if he or she has been tested. This
one conversation could save your life. Don’t be afraid to speak up and
ask to see the results, for you deserve the truth and any evidence to
back it up.
Andrew, 18
Get tested. Educate yourself. Live.
Casey, 20
Wear a condom and get tested, it may be the most important test you
Shannon, 21
We are the world’s hope.
Kerry, 20
Get tested! “It won’t happen to me.” is no longer an excuse.
Greg, 20
The most important things are to get tested and to be educated so can
spread the word to others. AIDS is not something to hide, it is an issue
we all need to be aware of and work together to fight.
Matthew, 20
To know that the answer is yes is invariably better than not knowing at
Angelique, 22
Have you ever had sex? Do you have sex? Do you plan to have sex someday?
Are you a girl, boy, woman, man, single, married, gay, straight, yes to
any of the questions puts you @ risk for HIV. Know your status.
Beth, 20
The stigma and stereotypes need to stop NOW!
Aaron, 21
Come on everybody. Let’s work together for justice and the future.
Michele, 19
The world can be changed one day at a time and one person at a time.
Make your voice heard, you can make a difference. Know your status. I
Allison, 20
Knowing is empowering, no matter what you’ve done in your past. It is
the best piece of mind, and it is the best thing you can do for
yourself, your future and the ones you care about.
Claire, 20
Love for oneself and others ignite the spark of compassion which is most
necessary to band together in this fight against HIV and AIDS.
Sarah, 20
Do not think that HIV and AIDS is another person’s problem. It is within
all of our social responsibilities to fight the hopeful fight against
AIDS. We all need to remember that “where you live should not decide
whether you live or whether you die” (U2).
Emily, 22
Tell your story. Love one another always.
Brooke, 21
HIV happens to small town people too.
Annie, 20
AIDS is something that affects every single person involved with the
diagnosed person; family, friends, enemies, strangers, all change when
the suddenly become so connected to AIDS. Do not be stupid and assume
you can’t get it; don’t intentionally hurt so many people when it can be
prevented. AIDS can be stopped!
Alicia, 18
The only way to fully fight AIDS is together, as one people.
Greg, 20
Every day, every decision you make – whether it’s sex, drugs, who you
talk to, who you hug every decision counts in the fight against AIDS.
Megan, 22
Treat everyone with compassion and find your own way, your own voice to
help end the AIDS/HIV epidemic.
Molly, 20
Life hands you a lot of choices and ways to react to the consequences of
the actions that you take, but getting tested for HIV and spreading the
word of prevention is very important and vital to the stopping of the
Sarah, 22
It could be anyone, it’s your choice.
Charles, 20
Ignorance to educating yourself about HIV is one of the most detrimental
decisions one can make to fighting the war on HIV. Educate yourself and
help save millions of lives.
Heather, 23
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you may be the
world.” Know your status. Get tested. Do it yourself. Do it for the ones
you love. HIV doesn’t discriminate, it could be you. It could be your
partner, your brother, your sister, or friend. There is hope. Know your
status! “Knowledge is power – that power is yours.”
Tim, 20
We are in this fight together.
Ashley, 21
HIV may not infect everyone, but it affects all of us. All people of all
nations should be committed to the search for a cure and spreading
awareness. Now is the only time to act.
Meghan, 20
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, to get tested, to research, to become
active. We must fight this fight! The future is up to us, so now about
HIV and AIDS and know your status. Stand up for the cause.
HIV and AIDS doesn’t discriminate and choose based on demographics or
geographics. It affects rich, well educated, religious people many of
who aren’t as well educated. Just because you’re educated doesn’t mean
that it can’t happen to you. Get tested.
Katie, 20
That not caring is not an option. The AIDS problem won’t go away by
itself. It is up to us to speak out and do something.
Katy, 20
Spread the word! Don’t be afraid to talk about HIV and AIDS.
Dana, 21
The act of knowing, holds the power to effect millions.
Kaye, 51
Hope, love, and continue to fight for justice.
Townview Magnet School - Dallas Texas
Neimun, 16
I would say listen to everyone that is educated in the field of HIV and
AIDS. They know what they are talking about and they are trying to help
you not make the same thing. You never know when it could be too late,
so jump on your opportunity to know more about HIV and AIDS.
Holly, 16
If you are not responsible enough to protect yourself from HIV, your not
responsible enough to be having sex. Thanx for coming to our school!
Jill, 46
Get tested, before you start a sexual relationship. Nothing is worth
your life.
Yanira, 15
Being aware is the key to putting a stop to HIV and AIDS.
Oscar, 15
In the 60’s it was small pox, now it is HIV and AIDS, just like we
abolished small pox, we will abolish HIV and AIDS.
Daniel, 14
HIV is all around us, it is the people you know, the people they know,
and anyone else in between, it connects us all, and only we can break
the bands.
Duice, 17
HIV is a virus that leads to AIDS. Safe sex is no sex!!! But if you do
have sex makesure hey r tested HIV negative before any action occurs,
because the consequences r fatal (deadly)
Elisha, 14
HIV and AIDS can affect your lives in many ways. You should always tell
your partner your status and wear a condom, although a condom is only
85% effective.
Jasmine, 15
In my opinion, think that HIV and AIDS are something that you don’t want
to have! You have to tell everyone you know and break their heart! And
then you have to take all these medications to remind you everyday that
because you didn’t use protection, or if you do not ask your partner if
he/she has HIV or AIDS. You have to deal with this now just because of
one question or just $5.00!
Diana, 15
Know the consequences that might happen with your actions. Know your
actions. Know your status. Just know. It can stop with you.
Morgan, 15
Be safe!
Jessica and Lauren, 15
Get tested & if you have it, try to find ways to prevent other people
from getting it.
Magdalena, 16
If your live depended on a test would you take it or would you let
yourself die in the mystery (misery?)?
Gabriel, 18
Spread the word, be heard . . . Be safe, and use protection, in fact use
abstinence . . .
Jovin, 16
A person with HIV isn’t any different than one without it. They should
have the same compassion as everyone in the world.
Jesus, 15
If not taken care of, it will become AIDS.
Vicious over the years
Mayela, 15
Check yourself and try not to be sexually active so you want to get the
Marco, 15
Test yourself and ALWAYS USE Protection
Matthew, 15
Always know your HIV Status
Max, 14
Always be aware of with who you have sex.
Christini, 14
Be aware of your surrounding and protect yourself by waiting. “There’s
no rush.”
Use protection in order to “not” get HIV.
Chaquise, 15
You and your partner should get tested before you have sex, even if you
think it’s dumb or not you should get. Be safe, take care of you and
your partners.
Maria, 15
Always use condoms and never trust anyone about their STD status. They
might be lying.
Alex, 15
You never know.
Monica, 17
Know about all the diseases out there before you act.
Phillip, 15
Wait until you know.
Ashley, 15
I would tell people that HIV & AIDS is real and that they should be
concerned about protecting themselves.
Sarah, 15
There is only one 100% way to not get AIDS: Abstinence.
Tyler, 16
Testing yourself can’t hurt anybody; only you and the others around you
an be hurt from not taking the extra step to protect yourself. Ask for
more information and keep an open mind to the other perspectives in
Adolphus, 15
If you know the consequences of premarital sex, then you shouldn’t do it
no matter what; to protect yourself and others.
Sofia, 15
I know this is hard, but you just got to fight this day by day.
Stephanie, 15
Take care . . . be aware . . . know your status . . . we can all make a
Unaleshia, 16
I someone says they love you they won’t mind protecting you from STD’s.
Stay safe and rap it up. Don’t love someone more than you love yourself.
AIDS has no age or name.
Shawn, 16
Keep God in your lives, so you can be helped. Everything you need
including love and compassion can be given by God. (Matthew 6:31-34)
Chrissa, 15
There is a difference between HIV and AIDS. HIV is what causes AIDS.
Mylar, 17
HIV and AIDS has no face, you can never be too careful. Protect
Luis, 15
We can change when we want to stop this. We just have to come together
to do so.
Jose, 15
Please take care of your body. Get tested.
Mayra, 15
There’s many other things in life not just sex. Life is much more fun
being healthy. People don’t think about the consequences after having
sex. They don’t think that you can bget AIDS for HIV. AIDS and HIV can
come to the most innocent person. Just practice abstinence that way you
won’t hurt people you really love like parents, aunts, uncles, close
friends, etc. Also it’ll save you the problem of having to tell everyone
what is wrong with you.
Jasmine, 15
Don’t treat someone who has HIV/AIDS differently just because they have
it. Treat them the same even if they have it.
Jasper, 14
AIDS doesn’t discriminate
Knowing is Beautiful!
If you don’t know, get tested.
Help save a life. It only takes 1!
Megan, 14
Keep safe, there will always be someone who cares.
Mayra, 15
In one word, abstinence.
No hat, no show! Always wear protection!!!
Jordan, 17
Remaining abstinent from sex and intravenous drug use is the best
policy. Being sure to remain tested and minimize partners and use
protection can greatly prevent chances.
Giancarlo, 17
Be safe and considerate with your partners. HIV is not the end of your
life, you can still live after HIV.
Valerie, 15
There are so many ways to prevent getting HIV/AIDS. Many people never
think it can happen to them when in reality they may already have it. We
are teenagers, a new generation if we learned now how to protect
ourselves we can lessen this threat in the future.
DeAmbra, 15
Abstinence is one of the best ways to stay away from anything. And safe
sex is not always the #1 smart thing to do. So, think twice before you
make the decision about sex. Sex can last for the moment, but AIDS/HIV
or any other STD’s last a lifetime.
Allie, 15
Be smart, safe, and happy!!
Follow your heart and stay healthy . . .
That is the best assurance we have.
Thank you, Road to Hope.
T, 18
Sometimes to prevent HIV&AIDS, you have to prevent yourself from
sleeping around. If you’re going to sleep with anyone, get one person.
Make sure he/she is clear of all disease. For disease not to be
transferred through drugs, just do it right. Don’t do durgs.
Cynthia, 15
If you are sexually active and have more than one sex partner, you
should immediately tell them instead of keeping it to yourself. You will
save many lives.
Monica, 15
One thing I would say is to take care of yourself. Care about what you
do and who you are. Everyone has dreams don’t make HIV stop them. Stop
HIV and you will stop another person from stopping their dream.
Antonia, 15
I would ask them if whatever they did to get infected was really worth
Use Condoms
Use protection. Wait till you get married!!!
Kristina, 16
It’s only when the world finally open their eyes and sees the truth
about HIV and IADS that we can gain the knowledge and courage to find a
cure for this crisis.
Elizabeth, 14
Be sure to know your HIV status and know how your actions can affect
other people.
Natasha, 15
People should find out more about HIV & AIDS at If people want
to help spread awareness, join a non-profit organization.
Edward, 15
HIV is a very bad diease that can be very deadly and can kill you.
Eva, 16
Practice abstinence until you get all the facts.
Cesar, 15
By protecting yourself, you protect others and most importantly . . .
you protect lives.
God has given man free will, and will never hate you for bad choices
that we make. Every choice that we make on a daily basis will always
affect today, tomorrow, and the future of our children.
Do not hat yourself, your family, friends and those that you love.
Especially God, do not forget that He is there and will continue to be
there because He LOVES us.
Lakiesha, 17
Thanks for motivating & telling us to be aware that HIV/AIDS is out
there and sto stay proctected.
Petra, 16
If you decide to have sex, protect yourself, but the best way to protect
yourself is abstinence. Think before you act!
Anonymous, 15
AIDS is a life-long souvenir nobody wants!
Use protection with every partner. Take care of you and your body. Don’t
be afraid to ask questions.
Thomas, 18
Always know where you stand (or sit or lean).
Guadalupe, 15
Education brings success.
Take advantage of it today.
And put a stop to what is going on.
Leave HIV and AIDS to the yesterday.
Antonio, 16
AIDS can be prevented. The power to save yourself is in your hands.
Alycia, 16
Know the precautions and know your partner before you have sex. You want
to protect others, but most of all, protect yourself.
Celia, 16
Know yourself and who you’re with.
Ivan, 15
Be aware and use protection.
Joanna, 15
HIV/AIDS can only be spread by having sexual contact with infected
person or sharing needles that are infected.
Cindy, 17
No matter who it is everyone has an equal chance of contracting
Taylor, 17
Always use a condom if you choose to be sexually active and never be too
sure that you’re not infected. Get tested.
Anita, 17
Practice Abstinence
Veronica, 16
Don’t wait
Get tested
Before it’s too late
Alexander, 25
Knowing who you are, what power you hold for yourself, and knowing your
status, is giving the world more than you kno. Never lose hope. Alex
Pena, Tx
Joshua, 28
HIV and AIDS affects all of us, all over the planet. Likewise, it will
take all of us all over the planet, to unite an end to this pandemic.
Taker preventative measures against HIV, but if you get HIV, there is
hope. You can have a purpose and a life. There is help and hope out
Rachel, 21
If you are not going to wrap it up, pack it up!
Oanh, 19
Keep in mind the danger of the lack of communication in relationships.
Educate yourself with the sidease and the prevention. Knowledge is the
key the mystery of life.
Anita, 18
The United States government must make human life its number one
priority. As a nation who claims to represent justice, we must make a
stand against the misconceptions, fear, and avoidance associated with
Jiggy, 20
We have to open our eyes and hearts and make a difference, before it’s
too late. I nthe joy of others, lie our own.”
Minnie, 19
By the time class is over, 332 people will have died from HIV and AIDS.
That’s 2.9 million a year. Stop ignoring it! AIDS is killing my
Kristin, 19
Live life with less prejudice. (?) Learn, then make it your mission to
educate. Acceptance starts with you.
Rachel, 21
Ending this epidemic can start with me.
Whitney, 20
Half of these living with HIV are under the age of 25. These are our
friends. This is our problem.
Stephanie, 19
Fight AIDS, not people with AIDS. This is our fight. Stop ignoring it.
Eric, 19
Don’t sop being who you are just adjust to protect yourself and those
around you.
Megan, 19
It can happen to you.
Becky, 20
Education is the greatest cure for ignorance! Thank you!
Ayeshah, 22
It’s a struggle.
Leilani, 23
To educate people I would organize events to start at younger age in
sexual education classes. Also in America, people watch a lot of
television so advertisements would also be good as well as specials like
on POP television.
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