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Outreach to Juveniles in Adult Jails

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Youth Essays



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I lost my freedom but I found my spirit

I lost my home but I found my place

I lost my homeboy but I found my friend

I lost my way but I found my path

I lost my Dad but I found my Father

I lost my house but I found my home

I lost my hate but I found my love

I lost my thoughts but I found my dreams

I lost my stupidity and I found my knowledge

I lost my world but I found my God

The things I lost now are gone

The things I found are still to come





I’ve lost the inner me because of this system of shattered mirrors and stolen dreams. In my life I’ve missed out on being a kid with chances and hope, some way to do something positive with myself. I know that tomorrow is still to come but I hope that it’s not going to be taken away also.


What I’ve found was the Lord, responsibility and means for my actions. I’ve found that the truth is an easier way out of things and that by renewing my mind I can do anything I want. Like my many skills that God has blessed me with and since I’ve been here I’ve found out how to really show love to those I like and dislike. And I’ve found my real unique style that’s untouchable.






wpe20.jpg (9980 bytes)The day I get out of here I’m going to move to Georgia with my Dad and set some goals for myself.

My first goal is never come back to jail.

The feeling that I have here is going to be my motivation. And right now I’m thinking about my future and positive things.





 I AM Good

I am good because I have a good heart that cares for a lot of people. I know the difference between right and wrong. I’m always helping people if they need me. I also know I am a good person because I was raised in a good home, with good and loving parents that taught me manners and told me that everyone makes “mistakes.” Well I know I am all this because I feel bad for everything I’ve done, and it hurts me to see my Mom come see me through a “glass” because of my stupid mistakes. And now that I think about everyone I hurt I wish I could take it all back. So I know I have a big and good heart.






wpe18.jpg (14521 bytes)I tell you this – DO WHAT’S RIGHT. Go to school. Do what you Mother and Father tell you to do. I am telling you this because I know how it is to be in jail. Now I wish I could go back to when my Mom would tell me to go to school and become someone in life but I cannot. You can. I’m telling you this place is no good. Let me tell you if you like being away from your family and like doing what people tell you and wake up and go to sleep when people that you don’t even know tell you to this is the place for you but if you love your mother like you say you do, do what she tells you. If not, I am telling you this. This is where you are going to end up and if you have friends that do things that are bad and wrong, those are not your friends. Find new ones. Do it for yourself and your family. That’s the best thing you can do. Now I sit in here waiting for my mother to come see me and then I have to take the pain when she comes cause it hurts me to my heart to see her cry and tell me why didn’t I just listen to her.





  ROSES BLUE (To Miss Sharp)

wpe17.jpg (14289 bytes)If your rose don’t shine water it!

If it don’t shine pray 4 him.

Name your rose whatever you want.

Your rose is your light, your goal is high.

If I was your rose what you would do to save me?

Water, sun and dirt would not save me.

A great prayer would hold me.

If you was a rose who would you want to hold you?

I want my shine to be on you!

Pink is a good color and to save pink it would make you smile.

Don’t use the color pink on you mind

Use it on your heart and if you trade your life to your God

The pinkness of his love will show on your mind.






1.) Convicts

2.) Victims

We are the victims because we are being beat-up by a system that’s supposed to help us.







wpe1F.jpg (11773 bytes)A convictim is a convict locked away and a victim being locked away in the wrong place.

I’m a 17 year old boy in a 21-89 year old world.

The crime I’m accused of was so bad that they did not look at me as that little Boy but as that little MAN!

One day I might be free but I will never be able to look back and say I was always free. That’s why I’m a convictim in a place where I’m scared to be.

That’s what a convictim is and a convictim is ME!







My strategy to stay out and to not fall into the trap is to finish school, finish my education, finish the careers I want to achieve. Apply for jobs as many times I have to apply to get that job. Because I need to feed my family, my baby and myself. I have a whole life in front of me and I’m not going to let other people ruin it just because I have been in this place (jail).

It doesn’t mean my life ended there. I have a life in front. The first day I get out is going to be like the following: Spend time with my family, my baby. And I’m going to stay away from the people I used to be with. While I’m in this place I spent more time reading, writing, thinking the way to stay out, get more with God, read God’s words, change the way I used to think, change my attitude. I’m going to stay out because my family and my baby and for myself. When the day that come of me applying for a job, I know it’s going to be hard for me to get it but I’m not going to give up. I would try to put my own business. I need to take care of my family. I would be careful to everything I do. I will make sure I don’t do the same mistakes I did before. I would help as many people as I can so they don’t pass by the same experience I pass. And I will keep being with God’s word and do and live by his commandments.





I truly believe there’s good embedded in me

The reason being I’m good as can be

I’m helpful, thoughtful, even kind

But judging from my looks, you’ll change you mind

Because my outward appearance screams out thug

But inside my heart is pumping with love

But don’t get me wrong, I’m not a saint

U might think I’m evil, but I ain’t

I make mistakes here and there

But then again, we all have I’ll share

So be4 u judge me, step back and look at u

Because u did the same things 2, but probably just a few

Besides I’m dependable and some one u could lean on

I even show elders some fun

I pray, I read the bible, and I know God

But for some reason, my life is still hard

I never went 2 school much, but I’m far from dumb

Because I’m educated, self-taught, and young

A simple thought generates a crime

Because a young soul can easily go blind

But yet sight could return, and another good lesson gets learned

I’m not the best person, but I’m not the worst either

That’s why when it comes 2 mistakes, I’m a firm believer

I keep an open mind and a lust 4 knowledge

And perhaps one day I’ll fulfill my quest at college

This why I’m good, but not slightly, misunderstood

I know I’m not the best, but I’m full of finesse

That’s why I succeed above the rest

I’m humorous with a good personality and great 2 be around

I know how 2 have fun, and I know how 2 clown

But stereotyped almost every day

But hey, what could I say

The consequence 4 looking this way

I help others and I’ll die 4 my sisters and brothers

And I respect my mother

I’m blessed, outspoken and full of hope

I’m not the average nigga on the corner selling dope

I know right from wrong and I’m good a rap songs

I’m overflowing with goodness that comes from the heart

But yet the system is tearing me apart

I guess cuz I’m black

So they use the law/system as the counter attack

I even shed tears of pain, because 2 me this world is a game

But I stay strong cuz that how I get along

Well these are my humble words

And I hope you enjoyed what u heard

That’s why I think I’m good u see

That’s why I’m good 2 me.




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